Facelift Surgery in Eugene Oregon

Facelift Surgery in Eugene Oregon

  • Who is a good candidate for a face lift? Is there an ideal age to have this procedure done?

A facelift is one of the most effective facial rejuvenation procedures for both women and men. As we age, changes in the quality of the skin, loss of volume in the face (both fat and bone), and the unavoidable impact of gravity lead to loose skin and the downward displacement of facial tissue. Any patient who has excess skin in the mid and lower face, wrinkles, prominent jowls, fullness of the neck, and submental (under the chin) area could be a candidate for a facelift. Facelift is almost always combined with neck lift to provide a harmonious natural appearance of the face and neck.

Historically, patients in their 60s or 70s would undergo a facelift operation, but nowadays, with advancements in techniques and improvements in the recovery process, more and more younger patients in their 40s or 50s also undergo facelift surgery to preserve their natural youthful appearance. 

  • Can you have other facial plastic surgery procedures done at the same time as the face lift?

Yes! Eyelid surgery (upper and lower), brow lift, lip lift, fat transfer and liposuction of the neck and jawline are some of the procedures that can be done at the time of a facelift procedure to provide a more harmonious and natural appearance.

Our focus is to preserve the natural appearance of the face and we will design an operation that would provide that outcome for you.

  • Where is the fat taken from if I need fat grafting?

Fat is the best filler! During the fat grafting process, whether as the only operation or as an adjunct to facelift surgery, Dr. Najafian will use the patient’s own fat from other areas of their body and transfer it to the areas that need additional volume such as lips, cheeks, nasolabial fold, marionette, etc.  As a bonus, fat also contains stem cells that help to improve skin quality and further rejuvenate the skin.

Usually, only small amounts of fat are needed. Depending on the exam and patient preferences, fat can be harvested from the abdomen, flanks or inner thighs.

  • How long is the recovery time after a face lift?

Dr. Najafian uses a particular technique and pain control regimen that helps patients have a quick recovery. Most patients need only minimal pain medication, are comfortable after surgery, and describe their experience as being much better than what they expected!

There is an expected level of swelling and bruising after surgery that will significantly subside over the first couple of weeks. Incisions are well hidden along and behind the natural landmarks of the face and neck.

Scar healing takes about 6 weeks, when scars will be well healed and minimally visible. However, scars will continue to lighten up over the next 6-12 months.

Although patients will be comfortable after surgery, in order to have a smooth recovery and avoid potential complications related to trauma, high blood pressure or heart rate, we require our patients to take one week off to focus on healing and avoid any vigorous activities for 6 weeks. At your preop visit, we will go over all the instructions in detail and you’ll also get a handout with all the information that you would need.

Depending on your examination, we will discuss what technique is appropriate for you and what the scars for that technique might look like. 

  • What is the process for having a face lift?

Like any other aesthetic plastic surgery procedure, the process starts by meeting your plastic surgeon. We would love to meet you, get to know you and discuss your concerns and your aesthetic goals. Based on your goals and physical examination, we will go over your options and design an operation that meets your needs. 

You also get an opportunity to meet your plastic surgeon, our amazing team of staff who will be working with you throughout the process and get all your questions answered.

Once your surgery is scheduled, we will see you a few weeks before your surgery for your preop appointment. During this visit, we will give you a hard copy of all the instructions. We’ll also go over all the instructions in detail to make sure you have all the information you need, and you will have time to ask all your questions. 

At Najafian Plastic Surgery, we believe that your operation starts on the day of your consultation. The time spent at your preop will prepare you for an easier procedure and a smooth recovery! Contact us today to schedule a free consultation about facelifts or any of the other aesthetic plastic surgery procedures we offer.

  • Where can I see some before and afters?!

Please click on the link below and see before and afters in our gallery!